Gremi Media SA is one of the leading Polish media groups, one which offers economic and business press of a unique nature and an Internet portfolio for professionals and senior managers. 
We are the largest media platform in the Business-Finance-Law segment.
For years, we have been publishing such recognised titles as: Rzeczpospolita and Gazeta Giełdy i Inwestorów “Parkiet” daily newspapers, as well as their dedicated websites: rp.pl and parkiet.com, offering the latest news and specialised content. With our online television channels, tv.rp.pl and parkiet.tv, we present daily commentaries and analyses relating to major political, economic and legal events. 
We have built the largest economic newsroom in Poland, reputed for its credibility. Our operations are based on producing valuable content in a diverse manner.

Gremi Media headquarters

What we offer?


Rzeczpospolita is a nationwide economic and legal daily and the only liberal conservative newspaper in Poland. It is published six times a week. Its weekend edition, Plus Minus, issued on Saturdays, offers articles dedicated to civilisation, literature, lifestyle and metapolitics.

Gazeta Giełdy i Inwestorów “Parkiet” is a nationwide specialised daily newspaper dedicated to the stock exchange and the whole capital market. It is published six times a week. 

Uważam Rze Historia is a monthly magazine presenting the little known facts from the past, interesting historical figures, and the foundations of modern times. It is published on the third Thursday of every month.


rp.pl is one of the most popular online portals among online versions of Polish daily newspapers operating in the Business-Finance-Law segment. Portal users may find the latest news from Poland and abroad, as well as economic, legal and regional updates. The website can be used with any device or content reader; Rzeczpospolita can also be read through a mobile application. 

PRO.RP.PL - a service for professionals offering unique content created by leading experts in business, finance, and law. It provides access to in-depth analyses, forecasts, and commentary. Regularly updated content meets the needs of managers, lawyers, and entrepreneurs.

parkiet.com is a portal for people who invest and/or save money who wish to know the level of profit generated by their mutual funds, the types of bonds worth buying, or the kinds of deposits and insurance to choose. We report and comment on the key events from the financial markets, including events related to listed companies, on an on-going basis. The website is optimised for all types of devices and content readers.

historia.uwazamrze.pl is a portal for people interested in history, the little known facts, and sensational events from the past, dedicated to major figures and moments that had an impact on current global politics and economy.

eKiosk is an innovative online newsstand with digital press, offering a vast spectrum of electronic versions of newspapers and magazines. We provide our users with a very attractive package combining press content with a large e-book portfolio. 


is an educational platform based on our knowledge and experience, gathering professionals from various areas who provide information about the latest trends and offer best practices exchange and industry-based networking. It is also an event centre, a place to exchange views, to organise debates, or to meet opinion-makers representing various circles, sectors and interests. 


Kancelarie RP offers a new quality in the legal services sector. Over 200 documents, a simple and user-friendly online generator, and highly specialised lawyers available at one click.

MMConferences is an independent organiser of seminars and conferences in Poland, preparing several dozen projects per year addressed to specialists, senior management, and boards of leading companies.

Read on rp.pl

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Gremi Media objectives

Gremi Media SA is the leading Polish publisher offering specialised business and legal content. We provide a multi-channel platform focussed on presenting high-quality content in online and offline media. Our aim is to express our opinion on economic, legal and financial developments within a public debate, and to deliver the latest news to our readers.
We seek to continue our plan to build reputation for the titles we offer based on content quality and many years of experience.
At the same time, we are developing our solutions for business cooperation based on a broad spectrum of products.


Gremi Media mission

Our mission is to generate high quality content with focus on economic and law-related topics. We provide advance information to opinion leaders, business decision makers and all those eager to stay up-to-date. Through reporting and commentary on current events and economic phenomena, we present global, national and local insight. Our wish is to keep on creating the most opinion-leading media in Poland, be a reliable source of news and knowledge, cited and referenced by others.




President of the Management Board of Gremi Media SA

He joined Gremi in 2022

Maciej Maciejowski has been associated with the media since 2000 when he started working at onet.pl. He spent the last 16 years at TVN SA, where he was responsible, among others, for the digital transformation. From 2012, he was responsible for the Digital Division in the TVN Management Board.

2012 - 2020: Member of the Management Board of TVN SA, Chief Digital Officer
2011 - 2012: Deputy Programing Director, TVN SA
2008 - 2011: Channel Manager TVN Warszawa and tvnwarszawa.pl, TVN SA
2006 - 2008: Head of Channel TVN Turbo, TVN SA
2007 - 2008: Project Manager TVN24.pl, TVN SA
2004 - 2006: Marketing Manager, TVN SA
2000 - 2004: Manager of Key Projects, Grupa Onet SA
1996 - 2000: Animated Film Studio in Cracow


Member of the Board

He joined Gremi in 2023

Associated with the creation and development of Poland's largest Internet portals for 23 years. For the last 13 years (2009 - 2022) he served as a Member of the Management Board of the Interia.pl Group, where he was responsible for the Research and Analysis teams, communication products with the portal's mail and a group of thematic services.

2009-2022: Member of the Management Board of Interia.pl Group
2004-2022: Member of the Research Council of the company Polskie Badania Internetu
2000-2009: Director of Research and Analysis, Advertising Product Development, Hosting, BOK departments at Onet.pl
2001-2004: Member of the Supervisory Board of the company Polskie Badania Internetu
2000-2000: CATI manager at Pracownia Badan Społecznych in Sopot
1997-2000: Team Leader at Pracownia Badań Społecznych in Sopot


Zoltán Varga

Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Zoltan Varga graduated from the University of Pécs at the Faculty of Economics., Hungary. During his studies he worked for the Dresdner Bank and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. In 1990 he joined the Budapest Stock Exchange Board and in 1991 the Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB), where he first worked in London and later in New York. In Budapest office he managed the sales and trading departments as deputy manager until 2001.
After 10 years of international and large-scale enterprise career he launched his own investments. In 2004 he joined the Wizz Air success story among the firsts as the biggest private shareholder.
Following he started his investment activity and founded Central Group which has been operating since 2004 on the Hungarian market. Established as a factoring company, the group has expanded its activities and now was involved also in receivables and property management and financial consulting.
In 2014 Central Group expanded with Central Médiacsoport Zrt. (Central Media Group former Sanoma Budapest), one of the biggest independent media companies of Hungary.
With more than 25 print weekly and glossy magazines and 15 online portals the media portfolio reaches the 2/3 of Hungarian population. Moreover, his book publisher company under the umbrella of Central Media Group is in the top five publishers on the Hungarian book market managing titles just like Harry Potter books and Scandinavian crime novels.
Within at least the last three years, Zoltan Varga was a member of the Management Board in at least 22 companies, the member of the Supervisory Board in 3 companies and the partner or shareholder in 74 companies. The detailed list of the above mentioned companies constitute the appendix to this report.
In Poland, Zoltan Varga holds the position of a member of the Supervisory Board of Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne S.A. (from 2019 -2024) and in the past was the member of the Supervisory Board of Premium Mobile Sp. z o.o. (2019 – 2021) and Tutore Poland sp. z o.o. (2022 – 2023).

Joanna Różycka-Iwan

Vice-chairwoman of the Management Board

Joanna Różycka-lwan acts as the Chief Investment Officer at Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF), managing the fund’s global portfolio. She holds multi-year experience in investment, counselling and finance management. Since joining MDIF in 2012, she has managed the portfolio of socially responsible capital and debt investments (impact investments) in Central and South-Eastern Europe, as well as in Asia, completing several major media transactions in the European market in recent years. She specialises in shaping strategic priorities, monitoring outcomes, and finance management. From February 2019 until June 2024, she was a member of the Supervisory Board of Eurozet sp. z o.o. She is a member of the Supervisory Board of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A.
Before joining MDIF, she was involved in Deloitte and Crido Taxand, where she provided counselling to customers, acquiring 150 million euro in funding for projects in various sectors.
She has been a member of the ACCA since 2014 and an FCCA since 2019, and she graduated from the Leadership Academy for Poland 2021. She holds M.A. diplomas in corporate finance (SGH Warsaw School of Economics) and international relations (University of Warsaw).

Grzegorz Kossakowski

Secretary of the Supervisory Board

Grzegorz Kossakowski has multi-year experience in investment and media management. He has held multiple roles in various projects, which allowed him to gain expertise in mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance, as well as management of media organisations. His professional experience also involves business counselling.
Since July 2023, Grzegorz Kossakowski has been a member of the Supervisory Board of the Croatian company Telegram Media Grupa d.o.o. Before this, Grzegorz Kossakowski was involved with Eurozet Group, where he acted from February 2019 until October 2021 as a member of the Supervisory Board at Eurozet sp. z o.o., and from March 2022 until February 2023 as the President of the Management Board. From March 2022 until February 2023, he was a member of the Management Board at Eurozet Radio sp. z o.o. Further, from March 2018 until October 2021 Grzegorz Kossakowski was a member of the Supervisory Board of Nais sp. z o.o. Chief Investment Officer in Europe at Media Development Investment Fund, Inc.

Harlan Mandel

Member of the Supervisory Board

Harlan Mandel is an experienced manager who has dedicated most of his professional career to helping independent news companies develop and thrive in various countries around the world.
Harlan has been the Chief Executive Officer and a Director (ex officio) of Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF) since 2011, and before that, from 1998 to 2011, he served as Deputy Managing Director at MDIF. At MDIF, he has managed debt and equity investments in more than 50 news outlets. Before joining MDIF, Harlan served from 1996 to 1998 as Deputy General Counsel of the Open Society Institute/Soros Foundations Network. Prior to that, he practiced law in the New York and Los Angeles offices of Morrison & Foerster.
He is a non-voting member of the Supervisory Board of Pluralis B.V. with its registered seat in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and a member of the Boards of Directors of Mkini Group SDN BHD (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), Scroll Media, Inc. (New York, NY), and Mail & Guardian Media Limited (Johannesburg, South Africa), and was a member of the Board of Directors of Colab Tecnologia e Servicos de Internet SA (Sao Paulo, Brazil) from June 2020 to December 2023. Harlan received his JD from the Columbia University School of Law in 1989 and holds a BA in International Relations and Asian Studies from the University of Pennsylvania.

Marc Vangeel

Member of the Supervisory Board

Marc Vangeel is an experienced manager, involved in the media industry for 30 years. He has held multiple management positions at media institutions in different countries. Importantly, in 1994, he joined the Belgian media group Concentra, where he worked at top management positions, including Chief Executive Officer (CEO). In 2014, Concentra, together with another Belgian media group called Corelio, established the joint venture entity Mediahuis, a European media house holding assets in Belgium, the Netherlands, Ireland, Luxembourg and Germany. Next, Marc Vangeel held multiple management positions at Mediahuis Group, especially as CEO of Mediahuis Nederland, and later as CEO of Mediahuis Ireland. Currently, he is responsible for the development of Mediahuis Group.
Marc Vangeel graduated from Ghent University as a construction engineer, and later he completed MBA studies and the Harvard Business School programme titled ‘Strategies for media companies’.

Paweł Rymarz

Member of the Supervisory Board

Paweł Rymarz is a legal councillor and a partner at the legal office Rymarz, Zdort, Maruta, Wachta, Gasiński, Her i Wspólnicy sp.k.
Paweł Rymarz is a recognised legal councillor specialising in corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, as well as capital market transactions. His experience concerns counselling at the biggest mergers and acquisitions, corporate transformations and reorganisations of capital companies, as well as at private equity transactions and public offerings of securities, including within privatisation processes. He also participates in key international arbitration proceedings with Polish entities involved. He regularly receives recommendations and honourable mentions in international legal market rankings, including Chambers & Partners, The Legal 500, and IFLR1000.
He graduated from law at the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw. For more than 25 years, he has been managing one of the most prestigious legal offices in Poland, now called Rymarz, Zdort, Maruta, Wachta, Gasiński, Her i Wspólnicy sp.k., previously known as Weil, Gotshal & Manges – Paweł Rymarz sp.k.
He is the general partner in the companies Rymarz, Zdort, Maruta, Wachta, Gasiński, Her i Wspólnicy sp.k. and Partners spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Side Car Tylko sp. k., as well as a partner and member of the Management Board at the companies ‘Interaktywny Wehikuł Administracyjny’ sp. z o.o. and East Studio sp. z o.o. In 2019–2021, he acted as the official receiver of ‘Polskie Zdroje’ sp. z o.o. in liquidation.

Wojciech Kostrzewa

Member of the Supervisory Board

Wojciech Kostrzewa is a manager and entrepreneur with unique experience in the Polish market. He currently heads the Polish Business Roundtable, an organisation that brings together CEOs and owners of the largest companies in the country. He is also a co-owner of the Billon Group and the controlling partner at Wydawnictwo Pascal sp. z o.o.
His long professional career combines work in the financial, media, and technology sectors, along with social activism. In the financial sector, he served, among others, on the regional management board of Commerzbank AG for Central and Eastern Europe (2002–2004), was President (1998–2004) and Vice President (1995–1998) of the Management Board of BRE Bank S.A. (now mBank S.A.), and also served as President of the Management Board of the Polish Development Bank S.A. (1990–1995). From 1989 to 1991, he served as an advisor to the Minister of Finance, Leszek Balcerowicz.
In the media sector, he was the President of ITI Group SA (2005–2018) and also served on the supervisory board of TVN S.A. (2005–2017), including as its chairman and vice-chairman. From 2020 to 2022, he was a member of the supervisory board of Canal+ Polska S.A., and from 2007 to 2013, he was the chairman of the supervisory board of Tygodnik Powszechny sp. z o.o. He also served on the supervisory board of Onet.pl S.A.
For years, he has been involved in various initiatives for business communities, including as the President of the Polish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (2004–2007), Vice President (2007–2020), and member of the General Council (since 2020) of the Confederation of Lewiatan and as the Vice President (2015–2019) and President (since 2019) of the Polish Business Roundtable. He currently serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Billon Group Ltd. (London, United Kingdom), and until March 2024, he was its Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Additionally, he is the Chairman of the Supervisory Boards of Wydawnictwo Pascal sp. z o.o. and Poland Investments sp. z o.o., Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Sopockie Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń ERGO Hestia S.A., and a member of the Supervisory Board of Sopockie Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Na Życie ERGO Hestia S.A. He sits on the Board of Directors at Stadler Rail AG (Bussnang, Switzerland). He is also the President of the Management Board at WK Consult sp. z o.o., a member of the Management Board at Evox sp. z o.o., and a general partner at Kostrzewa, Marciniak-Małecka, Evox sp. k. Additionally, he serves as a director at Art Polonia SL (Marbella, Spain) and Cricklade Investment Ltd. (Gibraltar, United Kingdom). Until 2023, he served on the supervisory board of Billon Solutions sp. z o.o.
He graduated in Economics at the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel. He also studied law at the University of Warsaw.

Jakub Młynarski

Member of the Supervisory Board

Jakub Młynarski is an analyst associated with the Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF). Before joining MDIF, Jakub Młynarski gained professional experience at PwC Poland and EY Luxembourg, working on company valuations, financial instruments, and assets, as well as projects involving financial aspects of transfer pricing.
He graduated in Finance and Accounting at the Warsaw School of Economics. He is in the final stage of obtaining the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) degree.

Łukasz Gasiński

Member of the Supervisory Board

Łukasz Gasiński is a habilitated doctor of legal sciences, a legal advisor, a U.S.-qualified attorney, and a partner at the law firm Rymarz, Zdort, Maruta, Wachta, Gasiński, Her i Wspólnicy sp.k., with which he has been associated since 2002 (previously under the name Weil, Gotshal & Manges – Paweł Rymarz sp.k.). He specialises in corporate law and securities law. He has participated in significant privatisation projects, corporate restructurings, and public M&A transactions. He has also advised numerous leading financial institutions on regulatory matters and proceedings before the Polish Financial Supervision Authority. He regularly receives recommendations and honourable mentions in international legal market rankings, including Chambers & Partners, The Legal 500, and IFLR1000. He graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw in 1997. Furthermore, he obtained an LLM degree from Columbia University (2001), as well as a PhD (2003) and habilitation (2016) at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw. From 1998 to 2018, he was an academic lecturer at the University of Warsaw. He is an author of over 40 scientific publications. He is a general partner at Rymarz, Zdort, Maruta, Wachta, Gasiński, Her i Wspólnicy sp.k., a limited partner at Expeditions spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością ASI sp.k., and a member of the supervisory boards at Rymarz Zdort Maruta Kubiczek Restructuring S.A. and Packmann-Trading sp. z o.o.