Our portfolio


Newspaper Rzeczpospolita
  • A standard issue of Rzeczpospolita contains three parts: the main part presenting general news; Ekonomia i rynek, focussed on the economy and markets; Prawo co dnia, dedicated to law; and Plus Minus, a weekend magazine. On Saturdays „Rzeczpospolita” has it’s weekend edition: magazine “Plus Minus", which consists of texts of a civilizational, literary, moral and metapolitical character. 
  • It is the source of information for opinion leaders, managers, professionals, and key business decision-makers. For years, it has been considered the most opinion-making medium in Poland.
  • Regular supplements to Rzeczpospolita include: Dobra Firma (companies), Nieruchomości (real estate), Rzeczpospolita Cyfrowa (digital matters), Moje Pieniądze (money), Rzecz o Historii (history) and Życie Regionów (regions).
  • The newspaper publishes lists and rankings of Polish companies, brands and institutions on a regular basis. The best known of them include: 500 List, 2000 List, Ranking of the Most Valuable Polish Brands, and Ranking of Law Firms.
Newspaper Parkiet
  • Addressed to a broad spectrum of people interested in investments, economy and financial markets, as well as in the operation of companies and markets and the products and services they offer.
  • The largest discussion board for professional traders.
  • The website is available for all kinds of electronic devices, i.e. PCs, tablets, and mobile phones.
A monthly magazine Uważam Rze Historia
  • A monthly magazine dedicated to history, presenting interesting articles by historians and experts.
  • Unique, high-quality, in-depth analyses and editorials relating to Polish and world history.
  • Addressed to well-educated, broad-minded opinion leaders interested in history.


website rp.pl – business, finance, law


  • rp.pl is addressed to well-educated users seeking information that could be useful for work, who seek to be up-to-date with current economic and political events.
  • The portal presents a broad spectrum of topics, from politics through economy, business, law, real estate to investments, with wide choice of multimedia.
  • The website is available for all kinds of electronic devices, i.e. PCs, tablets, and mobile phones.

Industry websites within rp.pl:

  • CYFROWA.RP.PL - addresses topics relating to digitization in a broad sense. The site provides up-to-date information on new technologies, start-ups, telecoms, and all kinds of innovations. The website also presents the latest games and electronic gadgets.
  • ENERGIANEWS.RP.PLdedicated to the energy industry. Contains analyses and up-to-date commentary from the energy sector. Developments concerning the energy sector throughout the world are described there.
  • KLIMAT.RP.PL - dedicated to ecology, the environment and the climate crisis. The content focuses on five main sections: planet, people, trends, technology and the climate fight. It provides users with reliable and thorough information on how they can contribute to improving the condition of the environment.
  • KLUBEKSPERTÓW.RP.PL - shows the full spectrum of opinions on issues important for the development of the Polish economy. We invited over 60 outstanding Polish economists from various generations and academic centers to participate in the project. We ask this group of experts for their opinions and comments on current issues in the field of broadly understood economic policy.
  • LOGISTYKA.RP.PLcurrent news on everything important in the logistics industry and its business environment, which affects the industry growth both in Poland and in Europe.
  • MOTO.RP.PLcombines automotive topics with business and advisory content – aimed at both professionals in the automotive industry and individuals, a growing number of whom are running their businesses but also use their cars for private purposes.
  • PIENIĄDZE.RP.PLprovides reliable advice on portfolio management – regardless of the size of the budget. Focuses on financial tools for investing as well as saving money effectively. Addresses topics related to saving for future retirement.
  • RADAR.RP.PLaddresses the most current topics concerning security and the defence industry.
  • REGIONY.RP.PL - a source of information on what is happening in Polish local governments.
  • SUKCES.RP.PLtells the stories of people who have already achieved success, not only in the business world, as well as those who aspire to be successful. It gives the user an overview of cultural events and interviews with people from film, theatre, music and literature. It reports on people's passions, travel, fashion, four (and two) wheels, as well as cooking and gadgets.
  • TURYSTYKA.RP.PLdevoted to the tourism sector in a broad sense. Provides professionally prepared information on the Polish and international markets. The website acts as the voice of Polish tourism, popularising best practices, initiating discussions, providing commentaries and examining environmental issues.
website parkiet.com


  • Addressed to a broad spectrum of people interested in investments, economy and financial markets, as well as in the operation of companies and markets and the products and services they offer.
  • The largest discussion board for professional traders.
  • The website is available for all kinds of electronic devices, i.e. PCs, tablets, and mobile phones.
website historia.uwazamrze.pl


  • Addressed to people interested in historical facts and various views on selected matters related to the past.
  • The portal presents the little known facts from Polish and global history and describes interesting and obscure events from the past.
Rzeczpospolita TV

It is based on three programs: RZECZoPOLITYCE (politics), RZECZoBIZNESIE (business), and RZECZoPRAWIE (law). They are hosted by well-known Rzeczpospolita contributors, such as Bogusław Chrabota, Michał Szułdrzyński, Marcin Piasecki, Jacek Nizinkiewicz, Tomasz Pietryga, Anna Wojda.
The programs are broadcast on the home page of rp.pl and on the "Rzeczpospolita" channel on the YouTube platform.

Parkiet TV

The program Prosto z Parkietu broadcast from Monday to Friday at 12.00. It reports of current stock market events and interviews with managers and market participants. The hosts are Parkiet experts: Andrzej Stec, Dariusz Wieczorek, Przemysław Tychmanowicz, Adam Roguski and Grzegorz Siemionczyk.
The programs are broadcast on the home page of parkiet.com and on the "Parkiet" channel on the YouTube platform.

Rzecz W Tym

„Rzecz W Tym”

A discussion on the major events of the day from Poland and the world. Comments, opinions, and reports are presented by journalists and columnists from "Rzeczpospolita" as well as experts and commentators invited to the studio. From Monday to Thursday at 5:00 p.m. The programme is hosted by Cezary Szymanek, the Editor-in-Chief of rp.pl.

Rzeczpospolita Audycje

„Rzeczpospolita Audycje”

A channel presenting several original podcast formats. Every Friday during the programme "Polityczne Michałki", Michał Szułdrzyński and Michał Kolanko comment on the most important events of the week from the Polish political scene. On the Friday programme "Posłuchaj, Plus Minus", Michał Płociński, together with guest, discuss important social, political and cultural issues which also appear in "Plus Minus" magazine, the weekend edition of "Rzeczpospolita". "Świat w skali makro" is a broad look at geopolitical processes; the programme is hosted by Bogusław Chrabota, the Editor-in-Chief of "Rzeczpospolita". During the programme "O tym się mówi", journalists and columnists from "Rzeczpospolita" take a close look at the current issues that are stirring up public opinion.

Rzeczpospolita Rozmowy

„Rzeczpospolita Rozmowy”

A record of interviews conducted daily in the TV studio of "Rzeczpospolita". Journalists from the newspaper talk to politicians, lawyers, economists and entrepreneurs as part of the series "Rzecz o Polityce", "Rzecz o Praw" and "Rzecz o Biznesie".

eKiosk - digital press, e-books and audiobooks


  • eKiosk sells digital versions of almost all newspapers and magazines available in Poland. In addition, it offers one of the largest collections of e-books and audiobooks.
  • eKiosk has over 50% of the share in the digital distribution market and it is constantly developing its distribution channels.
  • eKiosk is successfully extending its list of available publications. At present, the company offers almost 50,000 e-books and over 500 digital versions of dailies and magazines, which makes it the most comprehensive digital content provider. 

Access to the web content

Editorial content on the websites is made available in three paywall options:

  • free of charge – to view them it is only necessary to have an up-to-date version of the web browser,
  • available under metered paywall – each month (counted from the first to the last day of the month) the user can read up to 6 paid articles for free; after reaching this limit, the next paid article is already locked; to view content only an up-to-date version of the web browser is required,
  • paid – it is necessary to have an up-to-date version of the web browser, an active account on the relevant website and a purchased product guaranteeing access to paid content.


Audio recordings (broadcasts)made available for listening via a web browser or for download via dedicated apps for desktop and mobile devices. Content is distributed using RSS technology, and storing on dedicated servers allows it to be placed within editorial content (articles) and shared between users and on social media.

Personalizing content

Editorial content on the websites can be personalized according to the user's preferences. This personalization is based on analysis of website activity and on technical information from the web browser. The user can also choose their favorite content on their own using aggregation mechanisms such as min. "TWOJA.RP.PL" and "TWÓJ PARKIET".


Advertisements on the websites can be perspersonalize dough cate the categorization users. Categories can be defined in different ways and can relate to characteristics such as gender, age group, interests, or purchase intentions. This results in the personalization of advertising messages based on the information provided, in particular by ganalyzing activity.


Comments enable the user to express an opinion on selected published content or refer to comments posted by other users. Posting comments requires a Facebook account. Comments are pre-moderated which means that the decision to publish comments lies with the moderators of the given website.


An archive is a kind of website that presents paid content (articles and press materials) that is archived. Content is organized according to daily editions while maintaining its structure and order of sections. Browsing the content in the Archive is possible through an advanced search engine or a calendar mechanism that allows the user to search for content published in a specific edition. To use the Archive -it is necessary to have an active account on the relevant website and to have a purchased product providing access to paid content.


A forum is a type of discussion group that is used to exchange information and views between people with similar interests using a web browser. Forum users can create new discussion threads, make posts and comment on existing posts. Posting requires the registration of an account on the forum. Posts on the forum are post-moderated, which means that the moderator may decide to withdraw the publication of posts that do not comply with the rules of the forum.


The newsletter consists in sending e-mails with selected content to the e-mail address registered. Depending on the type of newsletter, content can be sent at different frequencies (e.g. daily or weekly). To use the newsletter it is necessary to subscribe to the specific newsletter and use the activation link sent to the e-mail address provided. The user may withdraw their consent to receive the newsletter at any time.

Mobile app

he mobile app presents text, images and multimedia materials on a variety of topics using dedicated programs (Mobile Apps) on mobile devices (e.g. tablet, smartphone). The mobile apps are available free of charge in dedicated stores on mobile devices running iOS and Android. Paid content is accessed by purchasing the content directly in the mobile app or by logging in to an account with an active product that guarantees access to paid content.


Rzeczpospolita Conferences and Training


The conferences division organises its own conferences and debates on a broad spectrum of topics, such as capital markets, finance and management, energy, real estate, law and taxes, pharmacy, IT, or marketing. Gremi titles also support organisation of such public debates as Śniadania z Rzeczpospolitą (“Breakfasts with Rzeczpospolita”), during which representatives of various sectors discuss key events and trends.

The training division organises training sessions, seminars and workshops for 2,000 persons per year; participants are middle and senior management from key companies operating on the Polish and the European market. The training portfolio covers almost all industries and areas: energy, HR, IT, finance, law, marketing, PR, R&D, retail, e-commerce, and many others. With a unique practice formula and case studies, participants may obtain valuable knowledge based on the experiences of other professionals. 


Kancelarie RP

Kancelarie RP

Kancelarie RP focuses on the creation, development and coordination of a network of Polish law firms under the Rzeczpospolita brand, and on the provision of online legal services.
Kancelarie RP offers a comprehensive solution for law firms and individuals.
Online legal counselling – issuing legal opinions and statements online and providing tailored recommendations online with regard to the legal steps to be taken.
Online knowledge database – a collection of articles about law, tax interpretations and acts of law.